Sunday, 31 July 2011

Happy Days!

Gosh, I didn't realise I'd been away from my blog for quite so long.  It has been busy round these parts, infact I'd almost go as far as manic.  We've barely been in our house for more than an hour before we've been out and about again (inevitably arriving late as usual...).  We've been enjoying BBQs, coffees, dinners with friends, superhero fancy dress parties, birthday events, weddings, food festivals and, of course, time down on the allotment. Phew! I feel exhausted just recounting the events :-).

This photo is from Ben and Jerry's ice cream festival where you could eat unlimited amounts of ice cream for free.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

This photo is from Foodies Festival in Battersea Park where I tasted and discovered elderflower liquor. It has now become my tipple du jour.  This creation made me smile!

I thought you might like to see how the allotment is doing.  Lots of crops are in season and we could practically live off the produce! We've managed to produce 15 courgettes (well, they look more like marrows really don't they?!) a week.

I've had to get creative with my use of courgettes in the kitchen to keep things interesting.  We've had them stuffed, fried, made into fritters, raw in get the picture! I even tried a courgette cake and it was delish.

If you also are at a loose end with courgettes coming out of your ears then here's the link to Nigel Slater's courgette cake. YUM!

The lavender is just so beautiful and seeing the bees so happy makes me feel content. I heart bees.
We've had a LOT of runner beans and broad beans too.  Runner bean cake anyone? Hmmm that's going too far I feel.....:-)

This is my runner bean living arch.  I had this idea of creating it as a feature and it actually worked.
Blackberries already nearly ready! Hasn't anyone told them they're too early this year?! Wait til autumn fellas.
Corn on the cob soon! Whoo!
 I hope you enjoyed your browse through my allotment.