Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Home Sweet Home

There's something special about walking through your front door after being away on holiday...the familiar, comforting sights and smells after your senses have been bombarded with new, foreign stimuli.  As soon as we touched down at Gatwick it was like I had a whole new appreciation of how beautiful our country is, how green and luscious and mild.

We have spent the last week cocktail drinking, snoozing, reclining, reading, sunset gazing, sight seeing, star gazing, swimming, scuba diving and food munching in sunny Cyprus.  It has been a lovely holiday but so HOT! My word, it has been up to 42 degrees during the day and 25 degrees at night. I've practically thrown myself into the pool/sea at every given opportunity!

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Well, here are a few of my favourite snapshots of Cyprus.

We had a lovely time but I'm also glad to be home, back to the place where I belong.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos and glad you had a lovely holiday. Wow that temperature was hot.Think that i would have spent alot of time in the water cooling down.
