Sunday, 4 September 2011

☀ Just when you think it's all over...☀

Just when we think the summer is over and autumn is creeping up on us, out comes the sun to say 'not yet, summer's not quite over yet'.  Hooray! After some distinctly autumnal days we've had a few extra days of glorious sunshine. Of course, you have to make the most of any such weather round these parts and where better to go than the seaside?????

Last week my friend Ab, her little one, Flori and I headed to Hastings for a girls day out. I didn't manage to get many pics because little Flori kept us on our toes.  Yes, we were dashing here, there and everywhere to keep up with her. Before you knew it she'd be off having seen another dog (She ❤'s dogs) although she insisted on stroking the dog on the 'wrong' end! Ewwwww.
When Flori had reached a sugar low and, quite frankly, so too had the grown-ups (!!!) we stumbled upon this rather quaint little tearoom in a children's bookstore.  Cute isn't it?? Pink milk was on the menu along with smarties cookies. YUM!
Yesterday was another ☀ day so we jumped in the car for an impromptu late afternoon trip to catch some early September ☀. It was hot, hot, hot! Mr C wanted to take me somewhere special, somewhere he knew I would love so.....destination Whitstable it was.
On the journey I got on with my ripple blanket.  I'm doing well with my CAL one-a-day and it's growing at a rate of...well....ripples!!
Fresh seafood was on the menu for our lunch and oh my, it felt soooo summery!
Oysters for the Mr.  A bit too slippery for me.
After our late lunch the sun was beginning to set and the sky was delicately painted with brush strokes of subtle colours. We sat and watched the unfolding scene, enjoying quite possibly our last seaside sunset of the summer.
There was just time for one last summery ice cream before we got in the car and headed for home.


  1. We were enjoying some late summer sun today too! Lovely pics, and your ripple blanket is coming along nicely! xx

  2. That crab looks delicious. The returning sun is very enjoyable after those dull cloudy days. You have added to your ripple blanket.

  3. I love the sea. That looks like a wonderful time!
