Monday, 12 September 2011

Wave that flag!

It had been like this for much of the past week......

But, on Saturday I had my fingers crossed for blue skies as we were off to....

Have you guessed yet?......

The last night of the Proms in Hyde Park!
What a great evening it was! Pimms and wine in our glasses, flag waving, patriotic singing and picnic eating in abundance. A night of celebrating being British.

I've been going for the last 11 years and wouldn't miss it for anything! It's a lovely way to end the summer in the open air.  A highlight for me was explaining the genius (!) of Rolf Harris along with his didgeridoo and wobble board to a Mexican friend who was visiting London.  I'm not sure he quite followed what was going on whilst the rest of us loudly sang 'Tie me kangaroo down, sport'.....!

Sunday was a homely day.  I went down to my allotment plot to collect my veg for the week and found that I still had lots of beetroot to eat up.   Hmmmmm......what to do with them all?

I fancied trying something a little different and stumbled on this beetroot and chocolate cake by Nigel Slater.  What could be better than chocolate cake that actually counts towards your 5-a-day?!
It's really gooey, chocolate-y and well, just plain-all-round-YUMMY!
If you, too, have plenty of beetroot lurking about I would recommend giving it a go. 
I enjoyed mine served with creme fraiche and poppy seeds as Nige (do you think he'd mind me calling him that?!) suggests.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. What indeed could be better than a chocolate cake that counts towards your 5 a day. It looks delish. I am so glad that the weather improved and you had a great night at the Proms. Cannot believe that the proms are over for another year.
