Thursday, 7 April 2011

Sunshine makes me happy

We have had the most GLORIOUS couple of days in my my patch of the South East. It has been so hot that it has felt like we're approaching the summer break, not the Easter break.  I've been away from my blog for a while and if I'm honest......I haven't had the easiest few months.  In my head I had my future sort-of mapped out and my life has changed in ways that I didn't anticipate or expect...maybe more about this some other time. But, do you know what? Today I felt good, reallllly good.

The sunshine has inspired me to eat salads and drink homemade lemonade.  Not only does homemade lemonade taste soooo much better than shop bought lemonade, making it is an absolute joy! I love the feel and vibrant yellow of lemons, not to mention the fresh smell that permiates the house.
I recomend this recipe:
It's a winner!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm can smell the lemony goodness and the stored sunshine.Homemade lemonade is an 'absolute joy' as you say.
